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Between the time members receive this edition of the newsletter and the end of the year, ballots will be mailed for the slate of officers named by NABIE’s nominating committee.  There is also an opportunity to write-in individuals as well.
As in many organizations, we have often followed a progression of officers up through the ranks, and this continues to serve NABIE well in that it provides some continuity of leadership.  We expect to include a brief biography for each candidate, which will assist in familiarizing members with the background of our potential officers for next year.  Please mark your ballots and return them promptly.
Another issues NABIE has faced this year is a somewhat higher than average dues delinquency rate.  We will be making a final effort to solicit delinquent dues from those members who have not yet paid for their 2010 membership.  Officers and board members alike are well aware of the difficult economic times for many of our members, but encourage you to do your best to support the organization that represents your chosen professional engineering specialty.
Look for a special invoice mailing in the immediate future seeking your payment for 2010 if you have not yet submitted it.
*This article was posted in the Fall 2010 edition of The Examiner.