Just as most organizations, NABIE has long had both Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. They date back to NABIE’s inception in 1989. Over more than the last year it became apparent that a careful review of both sets of documents was in order to ensure that our governing policies appropriately reflect the times and the way we need to conduct our organization into the future.
After a considerable effort the revisions believed necessary were finalized and submitted to NABIE’s legal consultants for their review and comments. With some minor suggestions from our experts, the now up to date documents are nearing the end of their revision process and are expected to soon become the basis for NABIE’s future work. Your officers and board will be keeping you apprised of the conclusion of this effort in the near future.
An additional part of this effort also has included a development of a NABIE policies and procedures document. That work is now underway and it is hoped it will formalize for future officers, board members, and executive directors a kind of “how to” approach to handling the more mundane aspects of NABIE’s work.
NABIE is a small organization with no administrative assistance. Organization support stems from purely voluntary efforts from officers and a board members, and the compensated part time work of one executive director. Formally documenting all aspects of NABIE’s governance and operations will help further stabilize and enhance our work into the future.
We are an organization with a highly exclusive and specialized mission and membership. Efforts made in the 1990s helped us judge our expected membership, which has been remarkably stable for many years. Later efforts beyond the millennium focused NABIE’s mission to be part of a building inspection engineering certification effort. That work is now complete.
Along with an effort to bring our governing documents and policies up to speed, it is expected that new officers and board members will once again begin to examine NABIE’s role as we move into a future that includes numerous economic changes and uncertainties in America.
Your executive director has been part of NABIE nearly since its inception, and is among the charter members. I continue to be impressed with the level of consistent dedication of many of our members; we truly are an unusual group of professional engineers with a highly dedicated approach to both our practices and the entrepreneurial aspects of consulting. As we begin to update aspects of our organization, let us keep in mind that some two decades of existence is a legacy in itself but cannot be the sole reason for our future work.
Begin to ask yourself where you think NABIE needs to head in the future. Your thoughts as members – as well as participants in NABIE’s governance – will help officers and board members set a course for our future.