This article would be all that more meaningful if I could tell you that the work described was done by a NABIE member, or a certified building inspection engineer. Unfortunately…
Unlike the practice of medicine, engineering practice only requires licensure under certain circumstances. For engineers working in private industry, practicing under the industrial exemption is standard operating procedure. There may…
As President of NABIE, I attended the NSPE meeting in Orlando, Florida from July 15th to the 19th. The NABIE display which we have used for several years was assigned a prominent…
By John C. Cronin, Jr. PE This year’s annual conference at the Fogelman Conference Center of the University of Memphis will long be a memorable one for me as Executive…
The 2010 Annual Conference banquet was the venue for a unique NABIE experience. Long time executive director Mike Stotts who retired in June of 2009 was honored for his 15…
NABIE’s annual event always includes a board meeting held on the day preceding the start of the conference. This year board members spent most of Thursday, February 11, 2010 discussing and…